Assistant/Agent Submission Form

This form is for assistant submission. The format for our assistants/agents can be seen here. Note that every component that is accepted to our platform needs to be evaluated so that we can ensure a a well curated marketplace. By submitting this form you allow us to run tests against your assistant. You also agree to accept the terms outlined at the end of this form and the current marketplace fee of 20% of sales.
Now you must set the prices for the different tiers of access to your assistant. Note that call limits as well as are set on a per month basis. You do not need to set a price for free tier if you would not like to include a free tier, keep the field blank. The tiers are the same for all plugins (Free, Basic, and Premium).
Thank you! Your submission has been received! Note that we will review your plugin as quick as possible. Note that we value having a curated list and will email you after our evaluation is completed! If you have any questions feel free to contact us at
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