New Plugin Request


We require at least one price tier to be configured, if you're not sure feel free to only configure the Free Tier and you can submit paid tiers later.
All calls and prices are specified per month, for ex. if you enter "10" into "Free Tier Limit" it means that a user will be able to make up to 10 free calls per month.
Note that every plugin that is accepted to our platform needs to be evaluated so that we can ensure a a well curated marketplace. By submitting this form you allow us to run tests against your plugin.
Thank you! Your submission has been received! Note that we will review your plugin as quick as possible. Note that we value having a curated list and will email you after our evaluation is completed! If you have any questions feel free to contact us at
Oops! Something went wrong while submitting the form. Feel free to contact us at and we would be happy to help you!

Payout Configuration

In order to receive payouts for purchases of your components you need to connect your bank account to your Stripe account.
You don't need to do it if you're listing your components for free, however if you are selling any components all payouts will be on hold until you connect your bank account.
Connect Bank Account